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Consulenza Brevetti

Cioncoloni S.r.l.


Historical Trademark

"Studio Consulenza Brevetti" has been registered
as Historical trademark of national interest.

historical trademark The Italian Patent and Trademark Office, the Ministry of Economic Development’s agency appointed for the granting of industrial property rights obtainable through patenting and registration, has recently accepted the application to register the "Studio Consulenza Brevetti" trademark in the register of historical trademarks of national interest.

The historical trademark is a recognition established by art. 31 of the D.L. 30 April 2019, n. 34 (converted into law, with amendments, by art. 1 of Law no. 58 of 28 June 2019), in which, as specified on the Mise website, it is envisaged that "the owners or exclusive licensees of registered trademarks for at least fifty years or for which it is possible to demonstrate continuous use for at least fifty years, used for the marketing of products or services made in a national production company of excellence historically linked to the national territory, can obtain the registration of the trademark in the Register".

The assignment of the historical trademark is an important milestone for the Cioncoloni Intellectual Property Firm, which testifies an extraordinary entrepreneurial history and over fifty years of growth among the protagonists of "Made in Italy" thanks to its expertise in the protection of brands, models and patents.

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